Announced today, Japanese brand Yoshikimono founded by famous rock star Yoshiki, is partnering with the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London on a new exhibition around the kimono. Europe’s first major exhibition on the kimono curated by Anna Jackson and Josephine Rout will open on February 29th. The kimono is the ultimate symbol of Japan that is often perceived as traditional, timeless and unchanging. The Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk exhibition will counter this conception, presenting the garment as a dynamic and constantly evolving icon of fashion.
Gorgeous 17th-century Japanese garments, international haute couture and costumes from Star Wars come together in a major V&A exhibition on kimono fashion. There will even be a fabulous kimono made with lightning patchwork inspired by Kiss band will be featured from one of the first Yoshikimono collections.

Since the brand was created 10 years ago by iconic Japanese rock star Yoshiki, it is natural for the brand Yoshikimono to partner with V&A and be featured in the exhibition. Yoshiki is the founder of rock band X Japan who sold during their international career more than 30 million albums. Within his collections, Yoshiki wants to celebrate the Kimono as a traditional garment but with a fashion contemporary twist. His aim is to introduce the art of the kimono to the younger generation in order to perpetuate this Japanese tradition.

Highlights of the exhibition include a kimono created by Living National Treasure Kunihiko Moriguchi, the dress designed for Björk by Alexander McQueen and worn on the album cover Homogenic, and original Star Wars costumes modeled on kimono by John Mollo and Trisha Biggar. Designs by Yves Saint Laurent, Rei Kawakubo and John Galliano will reveal the kimono’s role as a constant source of inspiration for fashion designers.
The exhibition Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk runs from 29th February through 21st June 2020 at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London located at Cromwell Rd, Knightsbridge, London SW7 2RL, UK and tickets are £16. For more information about V&A please visit: https://www.vam.ac.uk/.
Source: https://www.vam.ac.uk/, Yoshikimono