Cubios Inc., the creator of the WOWCube ® entertainment system, and TAITO CORPORATION (TAITO) signed a license agreement to use all trademarks, copyrights, themes, gameplay, images, audio clips associated with the game SPACE INVADERS. With this new agreement in place, Cubios’ team immediately has started to create the SPACE INVADERS CUBED, a new version of the video game exclusively available on the WOWCube® entertainment system.
As we previously reported WOWCube® entertainment system was named one of the CES® 2021 Innovation Awards Honoree. The WOWCube ® gaming entertainment system is a one-of-a-kind device in the shape of a cube that is made of 8 separate cubicle modules connected to each other. Each module is a separate device, with three high-resolution screens and a CPU inside. In the coming summer, the company will start a pre-order campaign and ship the devices to the first buyers by the end of this year.

At the moment, Cubios Inc. is working on more than 30 different games, including arcade games, puzzles, logic and strategy games, educational apps with gamification, and many more for casual and more skillful players of all ages. Game development for the cube is a sophisticated process as the device has unique 3D geometry and hardware. The WOWCube ® entertainment system will be delivered with several games pre-installed, and a sure hit among them will be the SPACE INVADERS CUBED.

In the original version of the SPACE INVADERS, a user must destroy the enemy Invaders avoiding enemy fire by controlling their own ship. With the SPACE INVADERS CUBED version, the playing field is all over the cube, on all six sides of the device.

The player interacts with the game by turning and tilting the cube. The user’s ship is moving following the position of the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope. When the spacecraft is right opposite to the enemy, it starts to shoot automatically.

By turning the cube, the user acquires the power to send an Invader’s ship to a remote corner of the universe many parsecs away. And when the player is ready, they can bring their spacecraft to that place and deal with the Invader. In this way, the player can split the enemy’s fleet and shoot the Invaders one by one.

The cubed version of SPACE INVADERS may involve the user’s strategic thinking and cognitive skills, making the gaming process more absorbing and rewarding.
To learn more about WOWcube please visit: https://wowcube.com/.
Source: WOWCube, TAITO