October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is a 30-year-old annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Mammograms usually cost around $150, which is a huge barrier to the underinsured, uninsured, and women who are the sole earners for their families. There are several different charities out there to help women with Breast Cancer like National Breast Cancer Foundation or Susan G. Komen Foundation but one of the newest is The Pink Peppermint Project.
Founded in 2017, The Pink Peppermint Project was created with a purpose to provide beauty and wellness resources to breast cancer patients and survivors, as well as expand knowledge and preventive care for women affected by breast cancer.
The project serves women in low-income cities and neighborhoods with breast cancer through outreach programs working through area hospitals, doctors, social workers, and related organizations that serve and know women with a particular need or condition.
The Pink Peppermint Project key goals are:
- Motivate: educating women and supporters to take a positive and responsible approach to one’s health. Promote open discussions through social media campaigns (ex;#pinklipstickcampaign #poutwithus
- Inspire: spread awareness through compassion and love
- Nurture: Providing beauty, wellness, and support services to recondition, strengthen, empower and enhance the quality of life.
- Transform: Helping women survive Breast Cancer and increase confidence through workshops, retreats, empowerment event, and local hospitals, and sending care packages to patients.

In celebration of Breast Cancer Month, The Pink Peppermint Project will host its second annual event, GLAMCON EXPERIENCE.
The event honors the countless survivors, caregivers, friends and supporters who have been impacted by breast cancer. The GLAMCON EXPERIENCE is designed for rejuvenation, relaxation, and restoration. GLAMCON EXPERIENCE will take place on Saturday, October 20, 2018, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Lofty Spaces in Dallas. Breast cancer patient and philanthropist, Crystal King will serve as the keynote speaker and best-selling author and model, Anita Hawkins will serve as the event emcee.
Attendees of the GLAMCON EXPERIENCE will have gourmet brunch options, wine, live music artist, DJ, girlprenuer vendors, photo ops, and Zumba in pink. Its panels include healthcare providers, financial strategists, and resilience coaches.
The GLAMCON EXPERIENCE tickets start at $35.00 for general admission and FREE for Breast Cancer patients. To purchase a ticket to The GLAMCON EXPERIENCE please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-glamcon-experience-tickets-47166137186.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend and cover the GLAMCON EXPERIENCE this year, hopefully, next year!
To donate to the Pink Peppermint Project please click here. For more information about The Pink Peppermint Project please visit: https://www.pinkpeppermintcares.org/. To learn more about GLAMCOM please visit: http://www.glamconevents.org/
Source: Pink Peppermint Project, National Breast Cancer Foundation, GLAMCON