Mojobot is a new coding robot and board game for kids and adults to learn the core principles of coding and robotics. Users will learn coding through playing and challenging each other in the Mojobot Missions board game. This is a turn based multiplayer game where players compete to undertake Missions and earn star points.

The Mojobot robot uses
Mojobot eyes are LEDs that can show different expressions. The tail light can be commanded and changed to different colors. In front of

Mojobot has a comprehensive computer coding language that is screen-free, extendable and allows the use of parameters, numbers, loops, decision making, sensory inputs and sub-routines. Just put the coding tags you want into the console and press GO, then watch as Mojobot executes the commands!

At Project Lab they offer project based, robotics STEM education courses that are designed especially for children but recommended and available for all interested persons. STEM education is an interdisciplinary education combining Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in a single class. The structure of the courses are project based, meaning that students will have a design project to complete in each class.
While the project is the main focus for the students, they will discover that to make the robots work they have to apply a lot of knowledge from many academic disciplines. Instead of teaching the four academic disciplines as separate subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive subject based on real world applications.
Academic material such as maths and physics are taught in context of the problems presented by each project. STEM project based learning will help to motivate children’s interests in maths and science as they start to make the connections between academic subjects in school and real world engineering and technology.
The courses currently available cover from Beginner to through to Advanced level. The Beginner Course is highly recommended for children above 8 years of age, and those who have no background in programming. In the Intermediate and Advanced Course each robot takes more time to build and program and students can select the particular robots they want to build.
Mojobot just kicked off their Kickstarter campaign with a goal of $80,348 with 21 days to go. Potential Kickstarter campaign backers can get the Mojobot Basic Set for $130 USD and save up to $70 USD from the normal retail price. Mojobot’s estimated delivery is July 2019 and you can preorder it on Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/projectlab/mojobot-tangible-coding-robot. To learn more about Mojobot please visit:
Source: Kickstarter, Mojobot