Since the start of the Pandemic, the Boca Raton Museum of Art’s online initiatives have become a pillar for art lovers to enjoy from the comfort and safety of their homes. For Black History Month, the museum has two virtual art exhibits to enjoy online by Renee Cox and Benjamin Patterson.
Renee Cox “The Signing”
The Boca Raton Museum of Art’s new online video shines a light on “The Signing,” an artwork by Renee Cox (above) that is making its museum premiere with this exhibition. Her work glamorously re-imagines the signing of the U.S. Constitution with women and men of color in place of the founding fathers. The Museum will exhibit this artwork for several months, through September of 2021.
Benjamin Patterson “My Thirteen Presidents & The Signing”
The new art video for Black History Month also showcases “My 13 Presidents” by Benjamin Patterson (above), the only Black member of the Fluxus Art Movement and its only Black member.
Patterson was also a symphony musician and had to emigrate to Europe in 1960 because at that time no orchestras in the U.S. would hire Black musicians. In his wry series, the artist humorously depicts the13 U.S. presidents that served during his lifetime (1934 – 2016) and ends with President Obama. Patterson died in June of the election year 2016, leaving us to wonder how his ironic presidential depictions might have evolved during present times.
Their compelling works are currently on view at the Boca Raton Museum of Art and both exhibits can be viewed here:
The online initiatives #BocaMuseumfromHome and #KeepKidsSmartWithArt are supported by Art Bridges Foundation. The Boca Raton Museum of Art virtual programming provides access to everyone beyond gallery walls. Additional support for the Museum’s family programs is provided by PNC Grow Up Great.
Source: Boca Raton Museum of Art