Sweet is a modern phone service that helps people lower their phone bills and it’s also the first mobile service where customers can join in seconds, save, and get personalized service 24/7. Announced today, Sweet launched its mobile app that finds users a better phone plan in seconds. With an estimate that Americans will overpay by $60 billion this year alone for phone services Sweet aims to tackle that issue. They will achieve this by evaluating the user’s current phone usage, coverage, and device requirements and creating a personalized plan for that specific customer.
Sweet handles all of the work finding the best phone plan deal for its customers while leaving the work of building networks and providing dependable service to the major networks. The app is now available on iOS and Android –– users can sign up in three easy steps that take an average of 2.2 minutes and get a personalized plan in only 60 seconds.
With the 1-Tap Switch tool, Sweet connects with the user’s provider, including all of the nation’s largest networks, to confirm the switch. Before committing to a new plan, Sweet users will be able to see their new price, device compatibility and coverage plans. No contracts, commitments or credit checks are required to switch –– and to top it off, Sweet only recommends plans that allow users to keep their current phone.
The company has raised a total of $7 million in funding to-date, with efforts led by former CEO and Chairman of AOL, Steve Case. The funds will be put toward product development, expanding service features, partner integrations, marketing campaigns and scale operations.
Sweet’s mission is to build a phone service that people trust and love. In doing so, Sweet recognizes phone service is complicated and switching is never easy. If users have trouble switching, or are not happy with their new service within 30 days of payment, Sweet will issue a refund. Finding users a better, more affordable phone plan is the ultimate goal.
Download the Sweet app from the Play Store or App Store for Android and iOS devices, or visit Sweet online at www.savewithsweet.com.
Source: Sweet