Flash Memory Summit (FMS), produced by Conference ConCepts, showcases the mainstream applications, key technologies, and leading vendors that are driving the multi-billion–dollar non–volatile memory and SSD markets. This year at FMS, transportation and technology experts from around the globe will discuss the data challenges and solutions needed to produce self-driving autonomous vehicles from August 6-9 at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
To address the critical data capture, storage, use of the volumes of data created and used in tomorrow’s self–driving vehicles and environment; FMS management will be holding a series of no-cost panel sessions (https://tinyurl.com/yy94faek) and discussions focusing on the hardware, software and communications solutions needed in autonomous cars and trucks.
“Autonomous vehicles are poised to disrupt industries and lifestyles around the globe,” Charles Sobey, FMS conference chairman, said, “They will generate a vast amount of data, much of which must be processed and stored securely and reliably in the vehicle, at the edge, or in the cloud. We are happy to make FMS’s autonomous vehicle sessions part of our free registration package to create a place where vehicle manufacturers, tier 1 suppliers, 5G communication experts, and storage hardware/software producers can exchange ideas to identify and develop solutions for the entire transportation industry.”
Session topics include:
- Auto infotainment – store or stream advances; entertain or distract – AUTO 202A–1
- The storage challenges of edge computing – AUTO 102A–l
- Tomorrow’s auto storage safety/security requirements – AUTO 101–1
- The storage/management challenges of the autonomous transportation ecosystem – AUTO 102B–1
- A special in–vehicle, off–vehicle roundtable discussion – How do we capture, handle, use data properly while protecting content that is constantly in–motion – AUTO 202B–1
The no–cost (https://tinyurl.com/y3jug4kd) autonomous vehicle sessions will focus on reducing, if not eliminating, the approximately 1.3 million deaths on the world’s highways/byways; reduce the volume of vehicles on the road; and significantly reduce vehicles’ environmental impact.
As Sobey noted, session participants will include automotive industry consultants and analysts Basich and Messer. Engineering experts from all segments of the industry include executives from Daimler AG, Harman, GM, Autonomous Edge, Macronix, DataIO, Tuxera, Marvell, Intel, California DOT Berkeley Automotive Development Lab, IBM, Cypress, Microchip, ATP, and other leading firms.
The one–day of sessions brings together leading automotive/Tier1 firms, digital storage/solution providers and automotive data capture/security experts to discuss the design, implementation and performance issues of automotive integrated intelligence. Discussions will also cover the challenges of high–speed connectivity/storage as well as the expanding safety and security challenges. Registration for the no–cost (https://tinyurl.com/y3jug4kd) sessions is open to individuals and organizations interested in understanding the issues and opportunities driving the technical advances for self–driving cars, Advanced Driver Assist (ADAS), and autonomous vehicles.
The Flash Memory Summit 2019 will also showcase the latest in flash memory design, production and application with over eight simultaneous panel session tracks and 16 keynotes speakers from industry leaders around the globe. Featuring the latest technology trends, new products and a broad range of storage applications including automotive, cloud, enterprise, mobile/wearables that are requiring a new generation of solutions for tomorrow’s organizations and consumers. The event will also include expert table discussions, performance testing opportunities, venture capital opportunities overview and enhanced women in technology sessions.
To register or learn more about FMS please visit: https://flashmemorysummit.com/English/Conference/Program_at_a_Glance_2019.html.
Source: FMS