Shoedazzle, in celebration of brand’s influencer collaboration with @BarbieStyle, hosted a VIP event where celebrities were invited to Shoedazzle’s Dream House in West Hollywood.
VIP guests included; Draya Michele, Laura Govan, Isabel Bedoya, Melly Sanchez, Rachel McCord, Ashley North, Britney Young, and Jake Dupree plus many more celebrities.

Shoedazzle’s Dream House was mostly decorated in Pantone’s Barbie Pink and each room of the Dream House was designed to be photo booth themed for selfies and Instagram posts.
Each room also had special surprises like à la museum of ice cream, tons of treats, cocktails, dancing and many more attendee perks. The themed rooms and areas of the Shoedazzle Dream House included:
- The boss babe office
- The bedroom with Shoedazzle branded eye masks
- The beGlammed vanity room
- The shoe #goals closet
- The hot pink mini cooper in the driveway
In true Barbie Pink style and to also go with the theme guest dined on hot pink pasta.The pink didn’t stop there as guests enjoyed the view of the pool cascaded with pink balloons, sipped on cotton candy cosmos and indulged in other goodies including edible helium balloons and a giant hot pink shoe cake.
Also on display at the event was the Art of @BarbieStyle book that includes hundreds of detailed and accessorized lifestyle images from the @BarbieStyle Instagram page.
The book is said to illustrate the modern identity and unique point of view of Barbie and @BarbieStyle. The Art of @BarbieStyle features inspiring text written by Barbie Style that includes excerpts written by Barbie herself. This hot-pink style of a book includes 280 pages and over 300 illustrations of @BarbieStyle. The Art of @BarbieStyle is currently $36.99 and can be purchased here:
Fans can keep up with @BarbieStyle x Shoedazzle on Instagram plus, shop the exclusive the curated collection here. For more information about Shoedazzle or to become a member click here.
Source: ShoeDazzle, @BarbieStyle