Recently launched, Landlord Go, a new augmented reality game by Reality Games, allows players to buy, sell, and collect rent on some of the world’s most famous buildings and landmarks bringing users closer to the real estate market experience. It’s the first real-world augmented reality game that uses real buildings, real people, and real prices to turn your city into an action-packed strategy game.
With more than 8,790 players already making deals for virtual ownership of the more than 48,153 in Austin already, there’s no shortage of fierce competition ready for action.
If you have unique knowledge of a part of your city that few others know, that local intel can translate into big profits in Landlord Go. For instance, if a new coffee shop is opening in your neighborhood and you think it’s poised to become the next Starbucks, put in a bid for it, and start raking in the rent payments from the crowds lined up outside the door.

Using a massive pool of data, including detailed information about more than half a billion real world properties, Landlord Go connects the user to their own city. Players can start small and quickly create a vast real estate empire through savvy investing. Put properties on the market, or engage in furious bidding wars with other players, recreating the experience of competing in the thrilling real estate market right from their phone.

Landlord Go is incredibly accurate, reflecting real-world values of properties using details like distance from the city center and building amenities. By using our own data set combined with NASA satellite scans showing nighttime light emissions, we’ve created one of the most realistic and data-driven property dealing games ever conceived.
You can really get the feeling that the level of realism is truly what sets Landlord Go apart. Anytime another player visits your property in real life, they pay you rent in the game. The more visitors your property gets, the higher its value. Using a proprietary AI and data platform called Big Dots, we’re able to add real-world data to any desktop and mobile apps.
The game is exciting as players see their fortunes grow and engage in sky-high value transactions, competing with other players for dominance in the real estate market. There’s nothing quite like it available today, and nothing that even comes close to the level of accuracy and detail found in Landlord Go.
Landlord Go is available on Google play and at the Apple Apps store. To learn more about Reality please visit: https://reality.co/.
Source: Reality Games