With the unforeseen Coronavirus pandemic and stay at home orders people are finding and creating new ways to reach out to loved ones. Recently launched on Kickstarter, the CaringBand is a wearable bracelet combined with a mobile app to keep you encouraged and connected with people who want to remind you that you’re loved and vice versa. This simple bracelet allows the wearer to receive notifications from friends and family during serious physical and emotional trials, without the stress of having to respond.

CaringBand bridges the gap and connects loved ones, while alleviating the guilt that the wearer must respond when they are often too emotionally exhausted. For those that are physically or mentally challenged with chronic disabilities the bracelet is a simple and easy way to share love they can feel and see.
“The vision and motivation came from a void I wanted to fill in my own mother’s battle with cancer,” said Lindsay Donaldson, Chief Caring Officer. “I knew I wanted her to know throughout the day that not only the family, but hundreds of friends and coworkers wanted her to know she was in their thoughts. CaringBand is meant for one thing and one thing only – to encourage and support those who need it most.”

With just a few taps of the free CaringBand app you can simply and easily send a selection of pre-set messages such as ‘Praying for you’ or ‘I love you’. Each message prompts the CaringBand Bracelet to pulse and light-up, which serves as a real-time reminder of encouragement and love. And best of all, the bracelets can be reused to pay it forward to the next individual in need of extra love and support.

CaringBand is now live on Kickstarter through May 27th and is offering CaringBand bracelets as reward for a $29 pledge ($39 est. MSRP) for the first 250 backers. There is also an option to donate a bracelet for $29 to one of their partner organizations. To visit their Kickstarter page please visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/caringband/caringband-a-wearable-for-support-encouragement-and-love?ref=87elpk.
Source: Kickstarter, CaringBand