Today is National Give OUT Day, the only national day of giving for the LGBTQ community. National Give OUT Day has raised $5+ million for 600+ organizations since 2013 and this year the National LGBTQ Task Force needs your help to reach their $5,000 goal!

The National LGBTQ Task Force believes everyone deserves to be fully protected from discrimination, all the time. And yet, across the country, LGBTQ people continue to face significant and specific discrimination because of who they are and who they love.
Their highlighting the gaps in current civil and human rights laws and pushing members of Congress to pass a federal law to protect all of a person, all of the time with our new All of Me. All the Time. campaign.

Donating to the Task Force for Give OUT Day will help them to continue educating federal lawmakers about the harms caused to LGBTQ people and our families when we face discrimination. This Give OUT Day, donate to support their work to achieve the federal nondiscrimination protections that we ALL deserve.

Your donations will help the National LGBTQ Task Force continue working to eliminate the discrimination loopholes that make it hard for those harmed to seek and receive justice. We’re working to ensure vulnerable people are protected in all of their identities, all of the time.
If you want to help National LGBTQ Task Force support the change you can choose your own amount to donate or choose a suggested amount below.
- $35 – Become a Task Force member today!
- $45 – For the 45 years since we first introduced the Equality Act of 1974!
- $125 – Covers the cost of 1 person’s training to mobilize community members!
- $480 – Makes it possible for the National LGBTQ Task Force to train 4 people to be better allies to the trans and GNC community.
To donate or to learn more about the National LGBTQ Task Force please visit: To learn more about National Give Out Day please visit: