Heartbeat is currently one of the leading “Ambassador” platforms rewarding women for sharing brands on Instagram. This week Heartbeat announced the launch of a new app for iOS and Android. The goal of the app is to make it easier for women to sign up to become a Heartbeat “Ambassador.” The new Heartbeat App will be a quick way for Ambassadors to learn about new campaigns offering free products, services and payments for branded posts.
Heartbeat App users can access the Heartbeat Dashboard to review current campaigns, earnings to date, see new campaign opportunities, invite friends to join Heartbeat and learn ways that they can build their exposure. Heartbeat also created “Heartbeat University” to help less technology inclined Ambassadors learn how to navigate through the Heartbeat app.
I decided to test out the Heartbeat app to see what is all involved in becoming an “Ambassador” and if the ease of use for the app was simple. After downloading the app from the Apple store I created an Ambassador profile for myself. The next step was to “discover” brands to be paired with and through the app the more you engage with Heartbeat, the better your brand matches. Signing up as an “Ambassador” gets you invited and incentivized to post online, get paid, enter contests, engage in live events and collaborate with others. I had a small technical issue once I picked a brand I wanted to be a part of. I’m not sure if it’s an app glitch but once I picked a brand I couldn’t get back to the home page. I had to restart my iPhone 8 plus (that is brand new) in order to get out of that screen. A new app will always have glitches so it’s understandable. I did like the interface in all and it was very easy to set up a profile for the Heartbeat app.
Per Heartbeat “Ambassadors on typically have between 300 and 5,000 followers, but the most important thing is engagement. If an Ambassador has real followers and is getting a high number of likes and comments, they are more likely to be offered paying campaigns or campaigns with product gifting. The Heartbeat pay rate will be listed on the Ambassador’s profile once they sign up, and the payrate can increase based on factors related to the quality of the users’ account. The Heartbeat “Authenticity Engine” uses machine learning to look at 60 different factors of an Ambassador’s Instagram account to determine their rate, favoring friends and family followers over the audience typically generated by an influencer. Ambassadors will be paid either a flat rate for each campaign they apply to and are accepted for or will receive a free product or service in exchange for their post.”
The Heartbeat’s brand roster includes: Amazon, Sony Music, Netflix, Warner Bros., Saks Fifth Avenue, H&M, Goop and many others. The app for iOS is available on the App Store at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/heartbeat-for-ambassadors/id1362278157?ls=1&mt=8. The app for Android is on Google Play at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.getheartbeatapp. For more information on Heartbeat please visit: https://getheartbeat.co/.
Source: Heartbeat