If you are missing going to a bar or public venue with human interaction and stimulating trivia Geeks Who Drink has you covered. In a world where we are all sheltering in place, Geeks Who Drink has combined forces with HOFr, a mobile interactive gaming platform, to create “Geeks Who Drink Remix”. The new 20-minute live pub trivia-style game will be hosted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and you can download the app at https://bit.ly/GWDHOFr.

The new “Geeks Who Drink Remix” takes on a different format from the standard Geeks Who Drink two-hour game. It starts with 12 multiple-choice questions, each of which players must answer in 10 seconds. If the answer is correct, points are awarded based on how many other players got it right as well—the harder the question, the greater the reward. If the answer is wrong, there is no elimination and no penalty. This all leads up to the Big Bad Question of the Day, crafted to require some very quick thinking, and maybe even a little luck.
“With Geeks Who Drink, HOFr has partnered with a true leader in the trivia space,” says CR Celona, Head of Business Development at HOFr. “Using our interactive gaming platform, together we plan to bring fun live trivia and a sense of normalcy back into our lives during this pandemic.”
All 13 questions will have Geeks Who Drink’s signature snark.
“We are an entertainment company first, then a trivia company,” said Chief Editor Christopher Short, a six-time Jeopardy Champion. “No matter the format, our philosophy is that you should learn something even if you got the answer right, and if we don’t provide at least a couple giggles, we haven’t done our jobs.”
Don’t forget just because we are stuck at home currently doesn’t mean we can’t get our trivia on with friends! Click here to download the app to participate in live trivia three times a week.
To learn more please visit www.hofrsports.com & www.geekswhodrink.com.
Source: Geeks Who Drink, HOFr