Discover Your Style with Tilly’s New Campaign for Mental Wellness Benefitting Tilly’s Life Center

Tillys, a California-native retailer, emphasizes the importance of personal style as a driving force towards confidence and mental wellness with the launch of the new ‘Discover Your Style’ campaign. By redefining their brand with the ‘Discover Your Style’ campaign, Tillys recognizes this connection and shows committed action through various philanthropic efforts that directly support their community.

Making their mark on the community they serve, Tilly’s is fostering positivity, spreading “California Shine” and making a true impact in teen mental health services all over the United States. Tilly’s, Inc. and Tilly’s Life Center partnered together to launch Tilly’s Round-Up-4-Change Campaign (the “Campaign”) in October 2020 to enable Tilly’s customers to contribute towards supporting teen emotional wellness.

Customers can “round up” during in-store checkout when completing their purchase in Tilly’s stores with all proceeds from the Campaign benefitting TLC and its youth wellness program. Through July 2024, the Campaign has generated nearly $5.2 million since its inception.

Tillys believes that what you wear is how you feel and hopes to encourage their customers to discover their stye so they can be themselves and truly shine.

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Source: Tillys