In collaboration with their partner IFA, the tradeshow in Berlin, CE Week takes place in New York City at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center from June 12th through the 13th. The annual conference is the celebration of all things tech in NYC and the mecca for innovation, emerging trends and insights, and building connections in the North American Technology space. Key Highlights of the CE Week Conference Program will include 5G Panel, Powerful Women in CT Panel, Powerful Women in CT Panel, Smart Cities Panel and Black Friday Trends.
Below are more details for each CE Week highlighted topic.
5G Panel:
5G is here and it’s going to have a major impact on everything we do from smart home management and IoT to autonomous driving and how consumer retailers sell. This keynote panel will discuss what we can expect from this year’s 5G roll outs and will dive into the expected impacts on the industry and how retailers can prepare themselves for this next-gen networking technology.
Powerful Women in CT Panel:
A no holds barred discussion with a couple of strong and successful female leaders in the consumer tech and retail industries, where we’ll dive into the challenges they’ve faced coming up in their careers, their advice to female colleagues who are coming up behind them, and what this industry can do to improve itself in the areas of inclusion and equality.
Smart Cities Panel:
Smart city infrastructure is reliant on robust communications networks that can effectively deliver key public services to citizens such as transportation, public safety, and sustainability. 5G infrastructure will be increasingly critical to support a city’s growth and economic development. Let’s explore the ways cities and suppliers and can best facilitate and leverage 5G networks in their communities.
Black Friday Trends:
Do you have a clear understanding of your category’s future? gap intelligence’s CE Week Panel of Industry Experts will discuss connected devices and decode the buzz around the biggest trends of the season. gap intelligence will educate the audience on what strategies are ready for prime time and which ones might not be living up to the hype.
To register for CE Week please visit: https://r1.events-registration.com/CEWeek2019/. For more information about CE week please visit: http://www.ceweekny.com/.
Source: CE Week