What happens when you put one million LEGOs in a convention center in the heart of Austin? A ton of kids and adults alike building their own LEGO® creations at the Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience. Walking into the Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience I did not know what to expect and since I don’t have kids myself I knew my time there would not last an entire day.
As I entered the Austin convention center for Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience I was greeted with a life size LEGO® version of Toy Story’s Woody. The first LEGO attractions I encountered were the Mini Golf and the Collaborative Building Activities. The attractions at Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience included:
- The Glow Zone
- Brick Fest Derby
- Collaborative Building Activities: Contribute to Guinness World-Record Sized mystery floor mosaic
- Inspiration Stations
- Video Game Arena
- Mini Golf
- Brick Fest Theater Trivia & Entertainment
- Mosaics
- LEGO Shopping
I decided to try out the LEGO Mosaics activity where you use a colorful variety of 1×1 LEGO® bricks to create your own mosaic tile to be posted throughout the festival.
I am happy to say I was not the only adult building a mosaic at the table and in a self-promotion moment I made mine using Hi-Tech Chic’s initials. That wasn’t the only shameless self-promotion moment of Hi-Tech Chic. At the Collaborative Building Activities booth where LEGO fans contribute to Guinness World-Record Sized mystery floor mosaic there now is the Hi-Tech Chic Logo as well.
The Glow Zone, to me, was the best attraction of the Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience. It contained intricate and elaborate LEGO® creations you can see in black light. I also had LEGOs in the Glow Zone art in black light which included a Lego Farris wheel, a sea horse, DJs, and much more.
One of my most favorite LEGO displays out the entire Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience was of Bill Murray and Van Gough’s Starry Night. It was mind blowing!
The Video Game Arena, Brick Fest Derby and Inspiration Stations were the most packed attractions. At the Brick Fest Derby fans were able to build and race their own custom built LEGO® derby car down one of the four of the 35-foot long tracks.
The Video Game Arena had fans playing their favorite LEGO® video game in head-to-head competitions. I didn’t really spend much time at the Inspiration Stations, Mini Golf or Brick Fest Theater Trivia simply because their booths were either jam packed or had long lines. I did however do some LEGO shopping and got this cool bracelet that you can attach LEGO men and LEGO‘s to!
All in all the Brick Fest Live LEGO® Fan Experience was a unique experience. It did make me revert to 5 year old Nina by creating LEGO art but one can only last so long with a convention center of kids and LEGOs. If you want to check out my live coverage on twitter click here and to view live footage on Facebook click here.