The Hi-Tech Chic awards and acknowledgement program is based on 8 different categories within technology and the entertainment industry. To qualify users must submit a nomination via or fill out the form on the very bottom of this post.
Below are the categories offered on Hi-tech Chic:
The Hi-tech Chic “Stamp of Approval” is given to products or technology that has been tested and reviewed by Hi-Tech Chic. This category normally includes an extensive product or usability review.
Green technology is a group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic products. Green products needs to be energy efficient, durable and often have low maintenance requirements. In this category Hi-tech Chic reviews various green products and initiatives to certify that they are indeed “Green” and “Hi-Tech Chic Green Certified.”
Rugged technology products are designed to operate reliably in harsh usage environments and conditions. These conditions include durability when product is dropped, strong vibrations, extreme temperatures and wet or dusty conditions. Most Rugged products are measured by various certifications like IP, MIL-STD-810 or ATEX but some rugged products may not. In this category Hi-Tech Chic does rigorous testing to prove if a product is “Rugged” or not.
The innovation award is given to innovative products or websites that are unique by design or platform. This award is mostly for those in crowd funding like Indiegogo or Kickstarter and has a creative product in the campaign stages. In this category Hi-Tech Chic does a product review of the sample or demo unit and decide either it’s something unique and never seen before or its not.
The “Love It” stamp is used when Hi-Tech Chic has reviewed a technology product, an event, fashion, new music or film that they absolutely loved it. The “Love It” stamp is typically used for new music but also for technology product reviews.
Nina is known for breaking products even if it says its unbreakable she can find a way to break it. It is said very few products withstand her abuse more than 3 months but if it does it’s “Nina Proof.” In this category Nina will use the product daily to test if it’s durable and unbreakable.
Hi-Tech Chic tries to attend every technology event and convention. Particular events include CES (Consumer Electronic Show), E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), SXSW (South by Southwest), ACL Festival (Austin City Limits), Comic Con, MacWorld, Dreamforce, Napa Valley Film Festival and many more. While attending these events Hi-Tech Chic searches for the best new product introduced at said event.
Woman of the Month is an award that is given to women in technology or entertainment that displays a sense of class, intelligence and leadership. It’s truly for women who are either an activist in their community, a mentor, an active volunteer or a proven leader. Each month Hi-Tech Chic will name a Woman of the Month based on nominations sent on behalf of the honoree. To nominate a women please use the contact form below or email Hi-Tech Chic at (note: we may not have one every month).
Editor’s choice is given to a product based on their excellence. This award is normally appointed to gift guides or comparison lists that is the same product (like a speaker) with several different brands and specifications. Hi-Tech Chic may also chose an Editor’s choice if the product is outstanding and feel like it’s something the readers would also love.
If you would like to sponsor an article or interested in advertising with us please fill out the below form or email If your product was awarded one of these awards and would like to purchase the award LOGO please fill out the below form or email at as well.
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