The eighth annual SXSW EDU will return to Austin, March 5-8, 2018. It will consist of for four days of sessions, in-depth workshops, engaging learning experiences, mentorship, film screenings, startup events, policy discussions, competitions, exhibitions, networking and so much more. Through collaboration, creativity and engagement, SXSW EDU empowers its global community to connect, discover and impact.
Currently SXSW EDU is doing PanelPicker community meet-ups in various cities. Tomorrow I will be attending my second SXSW EDU Austin Community Meet Up with the Thinkery where I hope to learn more about PanelPicker. Each meet up will also include short talks, facilitated networking and interactive group activities. There is also time before and after to mingle with other professionals in the community. To locate a SXSW Edu PanelPicker meet-up in your area click here or visit Eventbrite and search under their SXSW tab.

PanelPicker is the official SXSW user-generated session entry platform developed to encourage the community to pitch their proposals for their daytime conference programming. It is a two-step online process that allows the SXSW community to have a voice in what programming will be scheduled at the SXSW Conference, SXSW EDU, and SXSW Gaming 2018.
Proposing SXSW session ideas via PanelPicker® have already begun and continues till Friday, July 21. Below is the application process per SXSW site including SXSW FAQ.
The Application Process
The application process is pretty simple: visit and complete the online form by the deadline on Friday, July 21 at 11:59pm PT. It is recommended to upload proposals related to gaming and geek culture trends in a variety of session formats including panels, solo presentations, meet ups, and mentor sessions in order to enter.
All ideas received will be posted online for the PanelPicker Community Voting period. Community votes makeup 30% of the final decision, plus input of the SXSW Staff (30%) and Advisory Board (40%) helps ensure that lesser-known voices have as much of a chance of being selected to speak at SXSW as individuals with large online followings. Together these percentages help determine the final programming lineup.
Meet-ups and PanelPicker is a great for the community to learn more and network with the SXSW community. For more information on PanelPicker click here and for more information on SXSW click here.
Source: Direct Sites, Photos and Videos from